mercoledì 7 marzo 2012

che sarà, sarà...

esterno urbano pomeridiano postscolastico con sporta della spesa contundente.
zM: mami look: mami guarda: spaidaman!
msH scandaglia incuriosita le vetrine lato destro - sperando intimamente che il bersaglio non sia in vendita.
zoomma sul dettaglio: decalcomania di spiderman lunga un metro scarso annidata tra i numeri caldi e il Circo Americano, allarga al contesto, un ammiccante internet-point, money-transfer e ricevitoria, con annessa galleria di sfavilline e cinguettanti slotmachine.
zM: mamy we go? guarda spaidaman anche there! là! we go inside?!
sbigottimento, moralismo genetico sotto forma di indice di nonna sventolante e insulti silenziosi alle vetriniste in blocco.
msH: sugar - that's no place for a kid,  it's a place for people to waste time and money, away let's go.
zM: why?
msH: because it's gambling, son, first of all you need to be 18 of age to go inside, and most of all you need to have your money to play on those machines.
zM: ma io ho money! ehyes!
msH: you have your pocket money at home, you're saving it for those revolting schifezzamonsters you want... or have you changed your mind about them?
zM: ma io voglio go there..
sospiro - prendiamola larga.
msH: darling, one day - if you eat all your dinner - you'll grow and be a young man.
zM: ehyes.. io be older, and you younger! (grazie, apprezzo - ma non entri là)
msH: mmh. not sure about that, boy. but anyway, you'll be old enough to find a job and earn your money. what would you like to be? a rock-star? a vet? a fireman? a painter? a pilot? eh?
zM: io want to go on spiky machines.
(le spiky machines sono le macchine per svellere lo strato superficiale delle strade in rifacimento, prima della posa del nuovo asfalto)
msH: ohyes, it's a hard job, but if you like it, why not... well, anyway, after you've done your 8hour daily routine at work for 22 days every month, possibly you'll get paid. And then you'll have money to pay your bills, your food and rent, and - maybe -you'll have something left for your kicks.
zM: ehyes io buy presents!!! when me older io have money for spidaman games?
msH: Slot machines, that's what those are. It's gambling, sunshine, it's nasty. Those are games you play with money, sometimes you win, sometimes - most of them - you loose. Are you sure you want to risk your hard-earned money on those machines? wouldn't you prefer to buy yourself an ice-cream? or sone new toys? or go on the giostre? or go on holiday? or go to the cinema? or buy a guitar? a motorbike?
silenzio cogitabondo.
msH pensa di averla scampata, stavolta.
zM: mami? ...  quando io older io wanna be a gambla!!!

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